Intuitiv CH5 - The Future of Automated Home Experience

August 22, 2022

Intuitiv's CH5 is a new programming language that enables developers to create HTML5-enabled UI projects that can communicate directly with Creston control systems, offering seamless automation of home appliances. Learn why CH5 is the future of automated home experience.

August 22, 2022

Intuitiv CH5 - The Future of Automated Home Experience

Introducing CH5 by Intuitiv, the new programming language that enables developers to create HTML5-enabled UI projects that can communicate directly with Creston control systems. This translates to great accessibility of mobile devices and further integration of multiple systems within the home.

With CH5, Intuitiv opens the doors of opportunity when it comes to using multiple interfaces and offering seamless automation of home appliances. Developers can create JavaScript programming libraries compatible with HTML5 and Crestron interfaces for an uninterrupted user experience across devices.

Why Should You Use CH5?

When CH5 is deployed, everyone benefits. CH5 goes beyond traditional code, with easy and open access to Javascript and HTML5, as an alternative to VT Pro and Smart Graphics programs that are more limited. CH5 allows developers to unleash the power of code and create truly unique user interfaces for Creston solutions and programming heuristics that easily integrate with existing systems.

CH5 is more flexible and dynamic than traditional languages, and its user interface leverages HTML5, JavaScript, SCSS, CSS3, and many more. To top it all off, new components can be derived directly from Creston, the community, or yourself, so anyone can modify and enhance their source code for more creative, collaborative coding and truly bespoke user packages.

Dealers and integrators can work separately, and CH5 programming allows front- and back-end solutions to be deployed independently. The UI is exchangeable and reusable, so no line of code is wasted. Projects can be loaded to panels within seconds for quick testing and validation.

Out-of-the-Box Development

Here at Intuitiv, we want developers to have better options and greater control over their work, and we want your customers to benefit from harmonious automation no matter what platform they use. We develop our CH5 UIs for the pioneers, those who need better integration between systems without the limits of traditional coding languages – and customers that need flexibility between devices and a unique user experience.

We believe that code is an international language, and barriers between coding matrices need to be overcome for smooth mergers between systems. That is the driving force behind CH5: to live in a digital world without edges with CH5 as the lingua franca of coding language.

Its utility cannot be found anywhere else. It works seamlessly with other programming interfaces, and the CH5 interface also provides an SDK and API with Creston solutions for an advanced smart home set-up. It was built to enable users to work with widely available and familiar development tool chains and to open standards, allowing multiple delivery methods to suit every need.

When you're ready to upgrade to CH5, Intuitiv is your trusted partner.

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